Quintessenza: the soul of our existence, classical method of production, blanc de blanc, 100% Chardonnay, 80 months of refinement. It has expressivity, aromatic complexity, perfect harmony and the maturity of our own identity.
This elegantwine is able to enhance the purity of the vine 100% Chardonnay. The grape, which is hand picked using 20 kg boxes, is directly put in the wine cellar where is pressed in a pneumatic press. After this phase, there is the cold static decanting of the must for one night. The first step of decantation is done thanks to the help of stainless-steel tanks. Than follows the draught and a period of aging in bottle on the lees of 120 months before disgorgement.
Franconia or Blaufrankischis a variety which was firstly originated in Austria or, more likely, in Slovenia. It is well known also with his German name: Limbergher. Nowdays this variety is cultivated in Austria and all the wine-growing areas of the preexistent Austro-Hungarian Empire. In Italy, instead, is cultivated in Friuli Venezia Giulia, that has always been influenced by the charming east European tradition e also in Lombardia from Cavaga’s busuness. Cavaga in this sense, is a precursor in the area of this noble type of cultivation. The grape is handpicked using 20 kg boxes, when it has achieved the phenolic maturity and vinifies in stainless-steel tanks. The fermentation process takes 10 days and give the whine elegance and longevity. Then it ages in French oak barrels for 4 years and then rest in our wine cellar for other 12 months.
This elegant wine is able to enhance the purity of the vine 100% Chardonnay. The grape, which is hand-picked using 20 kg boxes, is directly put in the wine cellar where is pressed in a pneumatic press. After this phase, there is the cold static decanting of the must for one night. The first step of decantation is done thanks to the help of stainless-steel tanks. Than follow the draught and a period of aging in bottle on the lees of 36 months before disgorgement.