Welcome back to the picnic!

Podere Cavaga organizes for the month of August a picnic in the vineyard: discover the complete proposal, read the news!

After the period of lock down that we all had to live because of the Coronavirus pandemic, the picnic became again a tendency after a period of apparent absence from the scenes. Yes, because if in the ’90s it was an inevitable classic of spring and summer Sundays, over the years the tradition was lost, remaining alive only on Easter Monday and even then, not everywhere.

This year, however, thanks to the great desire to live in the open air, in close contact with nature, here are picnics back to go crazy throughout the ‘Bel Paese’. So, to respond to a growing need and to offer you something really special, in the month of August we planned a series of picnics in the vineyard all to discover.

Picnic in the vineyard: witness the magic of ripening grapes!

August is the month of the maturation of the grapes, a magical moment for the vineyard and for nature lovers.

Our picnic in the vineyard takes place right between the rows of vines, so as to immerse yourself in the silence and fragrance offered by the plants, in the fullness of their beauty. The picnic in the vineyard therefore offers the opportunity to live closely, and in its most poetic moment, a fundamental part of our production process.

Picnic in the vineyard… divine!

Our latest bohemian proposal in the vineyard includes a tasting of our wines, with particular attention to new summer proposals, accompanied by gourmet dishes of chef Feto Alisani.

The path of taste includes fresh combinations and local products, mixed in the best national and international recipes.

Do you want to live a unique experience in contact with nature?
Discover our picnic in the vineyard, contact us for more info!